Schmetterling-Stuhl Santiago 317
Modernes Design
Every time before cleaning you should test your detergent on a non-visible patch!
- Before using any kind of detergent you should make sure it’s not easily inflammable and act carefully.
- Keep your children at distance!
- Open your windows before cleaning in order to protect yourself from fumes.
- In case of using easily inflammable liquids make sure that electronic devices or open fire are at distance.
- If possible use only not inflammable detergents like stain removers since they have been developed for household use.
- If the stain can’t be removed easily use dry detergents.
- If possible use environmentally friendly detergents.
86 x 87 x 75 cm (L x B x H)
Gewicht: ca. 8,5 kg
Verpackungsmasse: 92 x 72 x 71 cm (L x B x H)
Gewicht: 10 kg
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